Furnishing Priority Document for a PCT Application

There are instances where the WIPO Digital Access Service (DAS) access code may not be available at the time of filing a PCT application. A typical example is when the depositing office has not yet deposited the priority document into WIPO DAS upon expiry of the priority term.

The WIPO DAS access code is essential for retrieving priority documents electronically from WIPO DAS. Fortunately, the WIPO has instituted a user-friendly solution through the ePCT system. ePCT allows the eOwner to initiate the retrieval of the priority document by performing the action “Obtain priority document from DAS” to effect retrieval of the priority document within the time period of R. 17.1(b-bis). The eOwner can simply log into their ePCT account and initiate the retrieval of the priority document.

UPC updates

The epi’s podcast episode INSIGHT epi UPC Case Law – Episode 3 provides interesting updates on UPC-related developments. The following aspects were particularly interesting to me:

First, as highlighted by one of the presenters (who reported on his first-hand experience when filing a request for file inspection with the Nordic-Baltic RD), the jurisprudence of the divisions appears to be influenced by the judge’s national legal background. This might be one of the reasons as to why the first file inspection request with the Nordic-Baltic RD was more successful than the two concurrently pending file inspection requests that were filed by others with the CD Munich.

Second, the CMS appears to be structured such that it cannot cope with some procedural situations. With regard to file inspections, CMS did not appear to work properly for patentee’s appeal against the RD’s decision to grant access to (a redacted version of) the pleadings.

As always, I can only recommend listening to this episode of INSIGHT epi.

First UPC litigation ranking by JUVE Patent

Many law firms and (potential) litigants eagerly awaited the first UPC litigation ranking recently published by JUVE Patent.

The ranking of December 2024 has revealed a surprising trend: some of the top patent law firms, renowned for their national prosecution and litigation work, are not to be found in the UPC ranking. This includes firms that have played a pro-active role in the preparation of the new system (such as BOEHMERT & BOEHMERT with Prof. Goddar) and firms that are ranked in the top tier for national litigation (such as df-mp).

Eletronic filings with the GPTO

As widely communicated by the EPO, the EPO smart card will be faded out for the EPO’s online services.

Practitioners who use the EPO smart card for the GPTO’s online services (in accordance with ยง3(2) numeral 2 of the Regulation for Electronic Filing with the GPTO) should be aware that the EPO smart card can no longer be used for signing in DPMADirektPro after December 31, 2024 (see GPTO information on digital signatures). This applies irrespective of the expiry date indicated on the EPO smart card. The 2FA, which the EPO has successfully introduced as new authentication mechanism, will not be available for procedural acts in the GPTO’s filing software DPMADirektPro.

GPTO becomes WIPO DAS depositing office

The German Patent and Trademark Office (GPTO) started acting as depositing office for WIPO DAS effective 25 November 2024. Additional information can be found in the official notice from the president and on the WIPO DAS country website.

Two notes for practitioners: First, as of now, only patent and utility model applications will be deposited by the GPTO in WIPO DAS. Hopefully this will be extended to design and trademark applications later. Second, the process for requesting deposition in WIPO DAS is different from, e.g., the process known to European practitioners from EPO and EUIPO priority applications: For priority applications filed with the GPTO, it is required to file a separate request using Form A9164 after the application has been filed. Please find a link to the version of Form A9164 available as of writing this blog contribution .

EPO seminars

As the year draws to a close, the EPO is going to host several interesting seminars, including:

Opposition Matters 2024: According to the EPO, “Opposition Matters is the EPO’s key event for professional users to keep abreast of the latest and most relevant developments in opposition proceedings.”

Litigation Matters 2024: According to the EPO, “Litigation Matters … is devoted to the latest practices of patent litigation in Europe, with particular attention to the UPC litigation.”

Registration is already open. These events represent a great opportunity to catch up with recent developments. Both events are free of charge and organized by the EPO Academy.

EU design invalidity

The EUIPO hosted a webinar on design invalidity applications, which was both very instructive and useful for practitioners.

If you are interested in this topic, you can find a recording of the webinar entitled Track on design: focus on invalidity of designs on the EUIPO’s website.

By way of background for readers from abroad: In the context of industrial property rights within the European Union (EU), design invalidity refers to the legal process by which a party may challenge the validity of a registered design before the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO). A design may be declared invalid for several reasons, including lack of novelty, lack of individual character, or if the design is not eligible for protection under EU design law.

To initiate an invalidity procedure, any party with a legitimate interest can file an application to the EUIPO. This application must set forth the grounds on which the invalidity claim is based and provide the necessary supporting evidence. If the EUIPO finds the design invalid, it will be cancelled. This mechanism is crucial as it allows for the resolution of disputes relating to the validity of designs, helping to maintain a fair competitive environment in the marketplace.

Adaptation of the description in EPO proceedings

It is rare for a Board of Appeal decision to spark widespread interest on (business and/or IP-related) social media. This was different last week, when many patent practitioners enthusiastically posted about T 0056/21 of 04 October 2024.

Datasheet of T 0056/21

The headnote of this decision reads:

“In examination of a patent application, neither Article 84 nor Rules 42, 43 and 48 EPC provide a legal basis for requiring that the description be adapted to match allowable claims of more limited subject-matter.”

Some have suggested that T 0056/21 will significantly change the EPO’s practice when it comes to adaptation of the description. This will remain to be seen.

Roche’s IP department and the counsel handling T 0056/21 deserve praise for seeking clarification on this issue. This even more so, as the adaptation of the description appears to be very dear to some examiners in light of the quality discussions. And Board 3.3.04 is to be applauded for reasons of the decision that are not only comprehensive, but are guided by what the drafters of the EPC had in mind when it comes to clarity.

Not everyone reading the various posts on T 0056/21 might be aware of the fact that the same applicant (Roche) has previously pushed this matter to the Board of Appeal. The previous appeal has resulted in T 1989/18 of 16 December 2021. While the latter decision does not have a headnote, the reasoning in points 4-13 of T 1989/18 reaches conclusions similar to those in the headnote of T 0056/21. T 1989/18 did not appear to do much to alter the EPO’s practice as regards the adaptation of the description. Hopefully, Roche (or other applicants) will continuetheir commitment to resolving the question of whether, and if so to what degree, an adaptation of the description to amended claims is required. At least in US proceedings, all IP stakeholders appear to be comfortable working with a description that is not modified in light of claim amendments during prosecution.