Munich’s christmas markets are nicely decorated. The decoration at the Chinesischer Turm (Chinese Pagoda) illustrates how much is to be gained by bringing the best from several cultures together.
A companion for your ideas
Munich’s christmas markets are nicely decorated. The decoration at the Chinesischer Turm (Chinese Pagoda) illustrates how much is to be gained by bringing the best from several cultures together.
The German Patent and Trademark Office provides a nice collection of season-related IP rights: “Santa Claus patents, brands, designs“.
Wishing you all a wonderful christmas!
Seen in the Upper Palatinate when visiting my parents (also for Christmas preparations, but without convertible).
There is a plethora of IP rights related to the holiday season. The EUIPO has featured various designs related to the holiday season. There are also numerous patents related to christmas-specific topics, such as US 5 161 882 A for those who are confronted with the challenge of organizing their christmas lighting. Great reminder on what can be protected for an idea to kick of. Happy holidays everyone!
I am planning to write regularly on IP topics that I find interesting. I will strive to make German-language content accessible to English-speaking IP professionals (e.g., by providing translations of catchphrases of IP-related court decisions).